Restorative dermography

A solution to hide skins imperfections 

Restorative dermography

Hide a scar is not an easy thing , in fact, there is no way to re-pigment the skin to hide a white scar because the pigment cells ( melanosomes ) were destroyed.

Dermatological and medical facilities (Laser) can improve healing by treating the redness and the relief or a dark scar , but not hide a scar on a thinning area.

Hiding a scar requires a refill of the same tone as the carnation , thus was born restorative dermography which is now the only way to hide a clear scar.

How dermography can hide a scar?

To hide a clear scar, our expert will select a pigment of your skin color and thus hide the line between healthy skin and scar area.

By injecting pigments in the surface layers of the skin, the result is immediate and lasts 3-4 years, after which it should be considered a maintenance to revive the colors.

Can restorative dermography  be applied to other skin imperfection?

Restorative dermography is a solution that , beyond hiding a scar , can correct many skin defects ( vitiligo ) . It is also one of the only solutions to camouflage dark circles .

By pigmenting the brown areas with clear pigments of the same color as the skin dark circles can be camouflaged. The white stretch marks can also be hidden by applying the same technique to hide a scar.

Finally, for scalp scares , it is possible to conceal the damaged by making small dots on the scalp of the same color as the hair area .

For these issues within the scalp dermography , we invite you to visit our website dedicated to this specialty : HERE

In all cases the result is totally undetectable and immediate .

Our realisations

Restorative dermography - Scars

Restorative dermography - Cleft lip

Restorative dermography - Scalp scars

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