Corrective dermography

Covering up a vitiligo 

Our solution

The corrective dermography, a solution to hide depigmentation

Corrective dermography can hide white spots caused by vitiligo. By selecting a pigment of your skin color and covering depigmented areas , this procedure will make these white areas absolutely undetectable .

When can I have recourse to corrective dermography

Corrective dermography can be performed on non-progressive vitiligo to ensure the sustainability of the results . However , evolutionary vitiligo may also be hidden but will require retouchs in function of the evolution of depigmented areas . Corrective dermography does not cause any allergic reaction.

Is it painful?

In the hands of an expert, corrective dermography is in no way painful. Depending on the sensitivity of each, the intervention can be quite unpleasant, but requires no recovery time.

When will the result be visible?

The results are immediate , however the final color will be visible after the complete healing of the treated area ( about 15 days). Following the intervention of small crusts will appear ( it is important not to scratch them ) and a slight itching may occur , this is evidence of good healing . The pigment will be completely stabilized in 1 month. The pigments will fade in 3-4 years , so it is advise to make a retouch session once they begin to clear in order to maintain optimal results.

How much does it cost?

In corrective dermography on vitiligo , each case is unique. The number of sessions required can vary depending on the extent of the areas to be treated . It is also necessary to meet our expert to get a quote.

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