Permanent Make-up

Permanent Make-up correction 

Our solutions

Many women come to us after a make up permanent failure and this phenomenon is increasing. Indeed, greed drives some unscrupulous professionals to offer permanent makeup services without mastering the technique.

That is why we remind you that choosing your expert should not be done lightly . Do not be attracted by low prices and demand to see pictures before / after to make sure of the professional’s skills. Indeed, a true artistic talent is essential to the practice of permanent makeup, that won’t be learnt during a 3 days training without legal value .

Moreover, the rules of asepsis and hygiene in addition to certain medical notions about skin diseases must be known , once again , some professionals are deadlocked.

Whether aestheticians and doctors , the risks remain the same. permanent makeup or is primarily an art . That is why today many people come to us after being disfigured by so-called professionals , but our expert can correct their permanent makeup failure .

What to do after a permanent makeup failure ?

If you have suffered a permanent makeup failure, do not wait until the pigment is stabilized (which takes about 3 weeks to 1 month) . And quickly make arrangements to make you depigmenting and catch up.

If permanent makeup failure is older , it is still possible to lighten the area and hide it with the color of your skin. It will then be possible to redesign the originally desired makeup.

This solution may prevent some people to avoid laser intervention. Indeed, the laser , although effective , can create scar areas after.

How much does it cost?

In the case of a permanent makeup failure each problem is unique. The number of sessions required can vary depending on the areas and types of failure . It is also necessary to meet our expert to get a quote.

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