Our clinic

The first clinic dedicated to aesthetic micropigmentation in Paris  

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Our clinic is located in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, near Porte Dauphine and Avenue Foch. Our clinic assures the utmost discretion and our team will remain attentive to your well being throughout your visit.

Laura LaLaurie , founder of the aesthetic and corrective micropigmentation clinic, is an expert who has perfected an unique technique, fruit of a boundless passion for her art.

Recommended by many plastic surgeons, dermatologists and cosmetic doctors, Laura LaLaurie , practises aesthetic and corrective micropigmentation under strict hygienic conditions and with advanced equipment.

Warning !

Aesthetic and corrective micropigmentation must be performed by an artist and expert in this field. Indeed, if done by inexperienced and non-artist people, the results can be catastrophic.

In the hands of an expert in aesthetic and corrective micropigmentation the results are stunning and very natural. So we warn you about certain salons that offer this service, sometimes under unsanitary conditions, and with a lack of training.

Keep in mind that any professional should be able to show you photos examples of their achievements.

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