Permanent Make-up

Laura Lalaurie, micropigmentation expert  

Learn more

Permanent makeup is a variante of tattooing where pigments are injected in the superficial layers of the skin. These pigments naturally fade after 3 to 4 years.

How to choose a permanent makeup professional?

In the hands of an expert in permanent makeup, the intervention is absolutely not painful. These sessions are conducted in strictest hygienic conditions using a sterile disposable needle and mineral pigments healthcare (Iron Oxide, Titanium Dioxin, Glycerine, Isopropyl Alcohol).

In addition to technical skills, an expert in permanent makeup must be able to advise the women to create a harmonious permanent makeup with an impeccable finish.

Warning !

Permanent makeup is becoming more popular, this is why many beauty professionals are now offering these services without training or experience which can lead to real failures or infections.

That is why we want to remind you that any professional in permanent makeup should be able to present photographs before / after of its achievements .

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Before/after pictures

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