Restorative dermography

Breast dermography 

Breast dermography

Breast dermography can reconstruct the areola and hide scars after breast cancer . Following breast cancer , the scars can be numerous , either after partial or total mastectomy , breast reconstruction inevitably includes restorative dermography .

Breast dermography, a solution to hide post-cancer scars

One of the first forms of intervention post-cancer breast dermography is the camouflage of scars around the operated area .

To do this, our expert in permanent restorative dermography will select a pigment of your skin color to hide the healing areas. Breast dermography, a solution to reconstruct the areola In cases where the areola was damaged or completely removed, our expert in restorative dermography may reconstruct the areola .

By selecting a pigment of the areola of origin color and also drawing the nipple in a darker shade , this intervention will give the illusion of a complete areola symmetrical with that of the other breast .

When can I have a restorative dermography session ?

Restorative dermography may be made after complete healing of reconstruction ( reconstructive surgery ) and once heavy treatments ( chemotherapy, radiotherapy) completed.

Restorative dermography does not cause allergic reactions. Is restorative dermography painful? In the hands of an expert, restorative dermography is in no way painful.

Depending on your sensitivity, the intervention can be quite unpleasant, but does not require any eviction of social life.

When are the results visible?

The results are immediate , however the final color will be seen after it was not until the complete healing of the treated area ( about 15 days).

Following the intervention small crusts will appear ( it is important not to scratch them ) and a slight itching may occur , this is evidence of good healing . The pigment will be completely stabilized in 1 month.

The pigments will fade in 3-4 years , so we advice you to make a small intervention as soon as they begin to lighten in order to maintain optimal results.

How much does it cost ?

Areola pigmentation : Dermopigmentation recreates an areola using pigments of the color of the existing areola . This intervention is usually performed after surgery or to correct a natural asymmetry . Price : 400 €

Scars pigmentation : Most scars whiter than the skin tone can be pigmented color of the skin color with restorative dermography . Price : On request , contact us

Our realisations

Corrective dermography - Post breast cancer scars

Corrective dermography - Areola reconstruction

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